Each user registered with the CommuniGate Server has two mailboxes on the server: the In Box contains the messages directed to that user, and the Out Box contains the messages sent by that user. Besides, users can have local mailboxes on their disks that contain copies of messages they sent or received. This chapter explains how to create local mailboxes and describes the operations that can be performed on the messages in mailboxes.
Out Box
When a message is composed and submitted to the CommuniGate Server, it appears in the Out Box of the user who created it. Besides, it is placed into the queues of communication modules that should process the message. When a message is sent to all its recipients, it is removed from communication modules queues. Then it is deleted and removed from the sender Out Box. If the "keep sent mail on Server" option was selected when the message was sent, the message is not deleted and stays in the user's Out Box.
Users can explicitly delete messages from their Out Boxes. If a message to be deleted is being processed by some communication module, processing is interrupted.
To view the content of your Out Box, choose Out Box from the Mailboxes menu.
In Box
Each registered user has an In Box containing all messages stored in the CommuniGate Server queues and routed to that user. If a message is routed to several users of the same CommuniGate Server, it appears in all In Boxes of those users.
To view the content of your In Box, choose In Box from the Mailboxes menu.
Opening a message from In Box is processed as "reading" or "receiving" a message by a user. If a return-receipt was requested by the sender of the message, the return receipt message is generated when a recipient opens the message.
If a user deletes a message in her/his In Box, the message disappears from the In Box, but it is not deleted on the Server immediately, since it can be routed to other users, too. The address of the recipient who deleted a message is marked as inactive. Only when all recipients delete this message from their In Boxes and all addresses are marked as inactive, the message is deleted completely from the Server queues.
Sent Letters
Since the Out Box keeps sent messages only till they are delivered, it should not be used to archive messages you send. Instead, a mailbox Sent Letters is created on your local disk. If the Keep Sent Mail on Disk option is selected, each composed message is copied to the Sent Letters mailbox before it is submitted to the CommuniGate Server. To set this option, choose Options from the Edit menu and select the Send Options icon.
To view the content of your Sent Letters mailbox, choose Sent Letters from the Mailboxes menu.
Creating Additional Mailboxes
The Sent Letters mailbox introduces the concept of local mailboxes. Local mailboxes are located on your disk, and they are not connected to the CommuniGate Server. It means that messages stored there do not transform or change, and they are not sent to anybody: local mailboxes store inactive copies of messages you have sent or received.
You can create as many local mailboxes as necessary. To create a local mailbox, choose New Mailbox from the Mailboxes menu. A dialog box appears and allows you to enter a name for a new mailbox.
Names of all local mailboxes created appear in the Mailboxes menu.
To view the content of a local mailbox, choose its name from the Mailboxes menu.
Viewing Mailboxes
To view the content of a mailbox, you choose its name from the Mailboxes menu. A window appears and displays messages stored in that mailbox.
For each message a set of its attributes is shown. The labels on the top of the window display the attributes names.
There are the names of message attributes and the explanations of attribute values:
Status: this attribute is shown as an icon. The set of icons depends on the box you are viewing:
Out Box:
Icon Meaning
stacked letter the message is still in queues, i.e. it has not been sent to some recipients yet;
flying letter the message has been sent and it is on its way to its recipient(s);
opened letter the message has been received by its recipient(s);
crossed letter the message transfer failed;
In Box:
Icon Meaning
sealed letter the message has not been opened yet;
opened letter the message has been opened at least once;
check mark the message has been replied to;
"F" the message has been forwarded;
"R" the message has been redirected;
From: the address of the message sender. This field is not displayed in the Out Box and in the Sent Letters mailbox, because all message there are sent by you.
Recipient: the recipient address. If a message has several recipients, only one is shown. This field is not displayed in the In Box, since the recipient of all messages in your In Box is you.
Priority: if a message has regular priority, no marker is displayed in this field. If one of the recipients was marked as a high-priority one, the exclamation point marker is displayed, if the message was sent with low priority, a snail is displayed in this field.
Subject: this field contains the message subject (or the first part of it, if the subject is too long).
Size: the message size on disk.
Date: the date and time when the message was sent.
You can sort messages in the window using the View menu. The label of the attribute used for sorting is displayed underlined. You can also change the sorting attribute by clicking its label on the top of the window.
If you want to reverse the sorting order, choose Reverse from the View menu. For example, if you selected view by size, the largest messages are displayed first. After you choose Reverse, the smallest messages are displayed first.
You select messages by clicking on its attributes. The attributes of selected messages are highlighted. Use the Shift and/or Command keyboard keys to select several messages in a window.
Transferring Messages between Mailboxes
All your incoming messages appear in the In Box, and the copies of all messages you send appear in the Sent Letters local mailbox (if the Keep Sent mail on Disk option is selected). You can create and use other local mailboxes to sort your incoming and outgoing mail.
You can transfer messages from the In Box and the Sent Letters mailbox to any other local mailbox. Also, you can transfer messages from any local mailbox to any other local mailbox.
To transfer messages, select them and choose Transfer To from the Message menu. The submenu appears and allows you to choose a local mailbox to transfer the messages to.
Opening Messages in Mailboxes
To open and read messages, you should select them and choose Open from the File menu. The other way to open a message is double-click it in a mailbox window.
Deleting Messages from Mailboxes
To delete messages from a mailbox, select them and choose Delete from the Message menu.
Searching in Mailboxes
You can search all messages in a mailbox for some text. Choose Find from the Edit menu. The Find window appears and allows you to enter the text you want to find. You can also set various search options in that window. When you click the Find button, all messages in the mailbox are scanned. When the text is found, the message is opened and the found text is highlighted. Choose Find Again to continue search.
If you select the In All Mailboxes option, all mailboxes will be scanned.
Marking Messages as Unread
After you have opened some messages in your In Box, they are marked as read. You can mark them as unread again. Select the messages and choose Mark Unread from the Message menu.
Replying, Forwarding, Redirecting and Resending
You can select some messages in a mailbox and choose Send Again, Reply, Reply to All, Redirect or Forward command. The operation chosen will be preformed on each selected message. See the Operations on Messages chapter for details.